The Bombay Talkies Studios, fondly known as Bombay Talkies was established in 1934 by legendary Rajnarayan Dube along with Himanshu Rai, Devika Rani. Under the command of Rajnarayan Dube, the company had Produced 115 films, Distributed 259 films, Launched over 280 Legends, Constructed 400 Cinema Halls and Financed more than 700 Films. Now the company is governed by Girish Ghanshyam Dube the grandson of Rajnarayan Dube, who is the chairman of Bombay Talkies and Dube Group of Industries. After six decades, the company made a splendid come back with the magnum opus Rashtraputra released on 2nd Nov 18, who had received enormous appreciation after the magnificent triumph, which was written, directed and acted by Aazaad.
​Dube Industries is one of the oldest Film Production & Finance Company in India which was established in 1929 by legendary Rajnarayan Dube. And also recognised for Construction Business, Agro Industries, Hospitality Business, Petro Chemical Industries and many more. Dube Industries is also known for parent company of the Legendary Film Company and Pillar of Indian Cinema,The Bombay Talkies Studios, Bombay Talkies Pictures, Bombay Talkies Music, Bombay Talkies Gharana, Bombay Talkies Studio Ltd, The Bombay Talkies Ltd. & Bombay Talkies. Now the company is governed by Girish Ghanshyam Dube the grand son of Rajnarayan Dube, who is the chairman of Bombay Talkies and Dube Group of Industries.'
The Vishwa Sahitya Parishad was established by Spiritually illuminated, Revolutionary by her very soul, Literary activist, Dreamer of independent India and absolute sanatani woman Chhavi Devi in 1928. Chhavi Devi was an educated, progressive and nationalist noble Indian woman in then depressed and hopeless slave India. She knew the meaning and significance of education-knowledge-dignity by her pedigreed upbringing. After the defeat and disaster of Gandhi's Non-Cooperation Movement, there was an atmosphere of great disappointment in the hearts of nationalists. A mere recalling of one’s past glory was sufficient cause for the journey to the gallows. The destiny of the nationalist hearts was death.